
Same-Sex Marriages: Justice Is in Our Hands

Protection of marriage? I don’t understand it. Returning to biblical values and historical paradigms? Where does this ignorance come from? The Bible sanctions polygamy, and history has perverted equality. For thousands of years, marriage was not about equality between husband and wife. It was about property.

But we have progressed. There is no official asking a woman to “love and obey” her husband anymore. There is no law prohibiting interracial marriage anymore. And there certainly must not be a ruling that denies holiness to two consenting adults. In the Bible, if a law was unfair, Moses would argue with God. And the laws would change. It is in our hands to pursue justice. And we remember that “justice delayed is justice denied.”

Rabbi Zachary R. Shapiro

University Synagogue

Los Angeles


Why all this fuss about gay marriages? Why not make all unions civil unions, gay or straight? Then the couple (if they prefer) can have a religious ceremony after.


After all, this is only about equal rights, and I don’t know any rational person who doesn’t agree with equal rights.

John Dexter

North Hollywood


Regarding the marriage licenses being issued to gays in San Francisco: This is going to get interesting when they start filing for divorce. How are they going to like paying alimony, dividing assets, etc., and how are courts going to deal with something legal in one city and not in another?

Carene Landino

Temple City
