
History lessons?

The release of the new film “Troy” [“A Troy Story,” May 9] brings to mind some obvious parallels with the current U.S. occupation of Iraq.

In one scene of Wolfgang Petersen’s version of Homer’s timeless tale, the leader of the Greeks, King Agamemnon, admits that going to war had nothing to do with the abduction of his wife, Helen. But he believes it’s a good cover story. The Greeks wanted to plunder the treasures of Troy because after all, they [the Greeks] were “civilized” and “superior” and deserved it.

Fast-forward to the present: George W. Bush says the invasion of Iraq is about bringing freedom and democracy to that long-suffering country. Nothing to do with oil and power, eh!


George Bush would do well to learn from the Greeks about the sin of pride and the barbarism of war. Since he apparently is not well-read, maybe the film will open his eyes. If he doesn’t learn that lesson, he will be doomed.

It’s all sad stuff. Unfortunately, nothing has changed in 3,000 years.

Lon Landis

Los Angeles


Whoever the genius was to put the behind-the-scenes stuff on the new “Troy” movie with the scenic designs and the big horse, thanks, buddy! More, please! Ditto on the costuming challenges.

For those of us who can’t have the luxury of going to the movies, it is really nice to see such well-written, behind-the-scenes stuff on the art of being a costumer and scenic designer.


Craig Carr

West Hills
