
Dichotomy Between Hard and Soft America

Re “Hard Reality for Soft America,” Commentary, May 16: Michael Barone’s search for accountability in American life is admirable, but like any quest he should begin with some reflection. Did the “hard” competitive America of Enron, Tyco and WorldCom foster accountability? Is the rigorous standardized testing that Barone lauds really improving the education of America’s students? Should the lesson we take away from the Special Olympics really be to honor those who “perform,” or is this event more about the triumph of the human spirit over adversity?

The dichotomy of hard and soft America is a gross oversimplification of American culture, political life and history. Whatever your views are on competition and accountability in America, there can be no doubt that these issues provide lively discourse. Soft commentary will always fail to provide hard answers.

Seth Shteir

Sherman Oaks
