
Family-Values Challenge to the U.S. Cuba Policy

Re “Tough, Empty Cuba Policy,” editorial, May 21: I take personal issue with President Bush’s hostile policy toward Cuba. I have a newborn baby, and her father is Cuban. For work and family commitments, I chose to have her in the U.S., but her father was unable to get a visa to be here for her birth or her first smile. Bush has personally taken away those experiences from our little family, and shame on him.

This summer, however, my daughter and I will be joining hundreds of other Americans from across the country in a “travel challenge” by going “unlicensed” to Cuba. Cuba and Cubans are not our enemy. I encourage all Americans to feel free to learn for themselves about Cuba and to be brave in saying no to Bush’s immoral and mean-spirited Cuba policy.

Rachel Bruhnke

San Pedro
