
Issuing a Stern rebuke

FIRST, I want to commend you for doing a fine and thorough job on the Howard Stern story [“Stern Moves for a Bit of Space,” by Martin Miller, Dec. 11]. Second, I am shocked that Stern will be paid $500 million over five years for his brand of humorless garbage to be aired on satellite radio.

At age 51, you’d think Stern might have outgrown the I’ll-show-you-mine-if-you-show-me-yours mentality. I guess not. And what’s even more pathetic is that so many people tune in to his filth and consider it funny. The fact that he visits a shrink four times a week is indeed funny. What does he expect to learn, that he’s a severe case of arrested development?

I’m sure Stern laughs all the way to the bank, while his fans remain, where gray matter is concerned, in the debit column.



