
Excluding Gays From Marriage Is Unjust

The July 5 editorial regarding Spain’s passage of marriage equality laws (not so much gay marriage) was right on. It is unjust to exclude gay men and women from marriage, not only because it isn’t at the expense of what heterosexuals choose to do, but also because it serves our society for gay men and women to have the choice for greater support to offer their extended families. This isn’t about the allowance of rights, but the protection of them already guaranteed from a human perspective. Heterosexuality and gender are not the sum of every human being and what contributions they can bring to a marriage.

No government can protect marriage or prevent the individual failure of marriage or parental obligation. However, it’s contradictory to the Constitution itself and unjustified to keep law-abiding gay citizens from marrying and supporting their children when they are willing, able and fighting so hard to do so.

Regan DuCasse

North Hollywood
