
Tired of Media, Mighty Barry Has Snuck Out

Barry Bonds says he may need a year to rehab from arthroscopic knee surgery because, according to the weary warrior, the media have beaten him down.

At this rate, if the media keep hammering away at him, poor ol’ Barry is going to show up at the ballpark carrying an umbrella and wearing pajamas.

Jeff Green

Long Beach


Poor Barry Bonds. What have we done to him? We should be ashamed of ourselves, lying the way we have. So what if he took steroids? That’s our fault. We invented them. We give them to cows and pigs, and other farm animals. Why not Barry?


We pay him millions to admire his home runs. He thought he was doing us a favor. Let’s drop all this Barry bashing. The man’s tired. He needs a nap. Back off.

Jack Ross

Los Angeles


Barry Bonds is tired. I’m tired too. Tired of listening to pampered, grossly overpaid professional players whining about their self-inflicted woes. Tired of reading about their multimillion-dollar salaries for playing a game, while people with real jobs have to sweat paying their bills each month. Tired of their bumbling evasions to the questions regarding their obvious steroid use.

Take the rest of the season off. Who cares anymore? Baseball’s a sham. The whole sport needs an asterisk.


Jim Genova



I am also calling it quits for the season. No more reading of Barry Bonds interviews.

Jack Spiegelman

Los Angeles


Do injured players still get tested for steroids? Just wondering

Chris Crater



Barry Bonds deserves time off so he can regrow his neck.

Alan Matis

Sherman Oaks


If Barry Bonds decides to sit out this year, will he really blame it on the media or opt for the easier way and blame it on Kobe?

P.J. Gendell

Beverly Hills


Hall monitor Bill Plaschke is writing off Mark McGwire for his refusal to deny steroid use, and he is giving Barry Bonds a pass.

It seems bashing the Bash Brother is OK, even though he hit 49 out as a rookie, but Barry is off the hook because he “might belong in Cooperstown for his batting eye alone.”


Bill, cheating is cheating, period.

Frank Moramarco



When one considers Mark McGwire’s stats and future Hall of Fame credentials, I suggest “never looking at the past” and just saying no.

Todd Cadish

Santa Monica


Why not have two baseball Halls of Fame? One for steroid users and one for non-steroid users; you know, the genuine guys such as Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig who never resorted to artificially pumping up their records. Then the Steroid Hall of Famers could openly discuss the best steroid cocktails and advise up-and-coming high school athletes which ones work the best.

Ginny Westcott



Sammy Sosa testified under oath that he would “never put anything dangerous like that [steroids]” in his body to enhance his performance -- only in his bat!

John Brunel

Tustin Ranch


Until further notice, Roger Maris holds the single-season home-run record with 61 homers. The other three clowns should not be in the record book, with or without asterisks.

Eric Forster

Los Angeles
