
An old adversary and a new enemy

Just one question: In his speech to the National Endowment for Democracy on Thursday, President Bush compared the despicable Iraqi terrorists to those terrible old despicable Communists. If those terrible old Communists are so despicable, exactly how is it that we are Red China’s biggest debtor and biggest importer?

I guess this is how we really fight that old despicable communism.


Marina del Rey


Once again the president is stirring the pot and using “classified” information that may be as accurate as what got us into the Iraqi mess in the first place. If there is a radical Islamic empire, we are the ones who created it. We have made more terrorists than Al Qaeda could have in 100 years.

Every innocent person who dies while we wage our war on terror leaves someone behind, who at a minimum hates us and at the maximum is willing to drive a truckload of explosives into an undeserving crowd.



Redondo Beach
