
Singing the ballot-box blues

Re “Schwarzenegger Tone Is Humble in New Ad,” Oct. 28

Once again, Arnold Schwarzenegger has shown that he is an actor, not a governor. Nothing has changed in what he wants to do to California -- and there is little he wants to do for the multitudes in California that do not make large contributions to his campaigns. Instead, all we have is a different color of sugarcoating on proposals that would promote a shift to the hard right and advance large corporate interests.


Arcata, Calif.


I mailed my absentee ballot today. I voted no on all of the propositions. I am tired of government by proposition. We elect representatives to govern and make laws on our behalf. I really do not want my tax dollars spent on special elections to resolve disputes for elected representatives who could not reach agreements. If our representatives cannot govern, let us elect others who can.


