
U.S. Confirms Passport Policy

From Associated Press

The U.S. government said Thursday that it would proceed with plans to require travelers from Canada, Mexico and other allied nations to show a passport or other secure document to enter the country.

The departments of State and Homeland Security said they expected to officially adopt the policy -- which has drawn complaints from travelers, the affected nations and even President Bush -- by the end of the year. But they pushed back by a year the date when the requirements would begin to affect travelers.

Under the new timeline, by Dec. 31, 2006, all who travel by air or sea from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Bermuda and Central and South America will have to show a passport or one of four other secure documents.


For travelers crossing land borders, namely from Mexico and Canada, the rules will take effect by Dec. 31, 2007.

Department officials also said they would keep working to come up with a cheaper alternative document to allow U.S. citizens and other travelers to cross into the country by land. U.S. passports cost $97.

After the rules were announced in April, Bush said he was surprised by the passport requirement, which drew sharp criticism from the Canadian government, and said he had ordered a review of the plans. In December, Bush signed into law an intelligence overhaul that requires tighter border security and was the basis for the passport proposal.


Homeland Security spokesman Jarrod Agen said the administration was looking to use biometric technology to create an alternative identification card before the 2007 deadline. Moving forward with the passport plans Thursday, he said, “gives us time to develop the most sensible and secure document which won’t stop the flow of traffic at the border.”

The Canadian government will continue working with the administration to develop a new document for widespread use on both sides of the northern border, said Jasmine Panthaky, a spokeswoman for the Canadian Embassy in Washington.
