
Upside of Hiring No Male Servers

The article about a U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission lawsuit accusing restaurant chain Lawry’s of discriminating against men as servers (“A Beef With Lawry’s: Rare Male Servers,” April 5) notes that about one-fifth of gender discrimination cases are filed by men.

Wouldn’t that indicate that four-fifths of the discrimination is still against women, and they still need a “helping hand” even in this century?

It would seem that the management of Lawry’s, rather than being slapped with a discrimination suit, should be applauded for having been way ahead of its time, and for continuing that much-needed helping hand.


Marquerite Smith



Where was the EEOC when Lawry’s was a struggling company, hiring only female employees as servers? Obviously, hiring females contributed to the success that Lawry’s enjoys today. Is the EEOC willing to guarantee continued success after the company is forced to hire men as servers? Surely Lawry’s decisions were not based on a desire to discriminate.

Herbert Buck

