
Debating the wisdom of talking

Re “Talking to the enemy,” Current, Dec. 17

Here is my burning question. Why would a democratic country founded on the ideals of human rights hold talks with repressive, Islamo-fascist regimes that want to destroy Israel and infidels? If I go jaw to jaw with a mad dog, I only get rabies. If the United States goes jaw to jaw with Iran and Syria to broker peace in Iraq, it will get burned figuratively and literally if Iran continues its uranium enrichment program.




Joseph McMillan, David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey missed the most important player in any upcoming negotiating strategy to resolve the Iraq conflict: the Internet. With increasing access to it and its ability to shape opinion and perception globally, former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis’ observation that “sunlight is the greatest disinfectant” is becoming a reality.

The best defense against infecting this process is that whatever final settlement is reached, it be “fair and reasonable” not just to the negotiating parties but to any others on whom the decision impinges. Unless the conclusion meets this standard and all affected groups feel dealt with fairly, they will continually make their displeasure known and find accomplices to make their case in the world of global opinion.



Santa Monica
