
Football success gives schools reason to cheer

Times Staff Writer

One measure of the growing importance of college football is the $187 million to be shared by athletic conferences sending teams to postseason bowls -- the Pacific 10 Conference alone will share about $15 million courtesy of USC’s Rose Bowl appearance on New Year’s Day.

But sports economists and college presidents continue to debate the long-term impact of the “Flutie Effect.” It refers to the jump in Boston College admission applications sparked by Doug Flutie’s “Hail Mary” pass in 1984 when the Eagles secured a last-second, come-from-behind victory over Miami.

Big universities now on a first-name basis with fans -- think Trojans, Buckeyes, Gators and Wolverines -- clearly believe that a defining moment, or, even better, a string of national championships and Heisman Trophy winners can help accelerate season-ticket sales, persuade fans to pay premiums to join booster clubs and create an edge in the recruitment wars.


Today, the Flutie Effect also casts its shadow on smaller campuses. This bowl season, for example, Brigham Young University and Utah each were invited to bowl games. But rival Utah State University stayed home in Logan because of its 1-11 season.

Utah State’s Aggies now are studying the results of a recent survey of high school seniors that suggests football -- make that winning football -- might be an effective billboard for a growing regional university. In the survey, college-bound students were familiar with Utah State, but they were more aware of instate state schools with better teams.

But if all things academic are fairly equal, and the other schools have nationally known football programs, “then maybe putting money into the [football] program to try and turn it around is something to discuss,” said John Devilbiss, Utah State’s public relations director.


Most economists agree that the Flutie Effect is felt, at least temporarily, but questions linger as to whether the costs of building a winning sports program can help to generate a long-term effect.

“The short answer is that if athletics do generate indirect benefits, they’re small in nature,” said Victor Matheson, an assistant professor of economics at Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. “When I’m talking to my classes about the Flutie Effect, I often refer to [athletics] as a loss-leader, which is something stores will offer to bring people into the store.”

As for the conventional wisdom that football success bolsters the strength of an athletic program? Think again.


A 2003 NCAA study determined that for every dollar spent on college football or basketball, only one dollar is generated in additional revenue.

But it’s easy to look past those cautionary signs during the bowl season.

The Bowl Championship Series has been publicizing a study suggesting that its six affiliated bowls (five traditional games, plus the inaugural national championship game Jan. 8 in Arizona) will generate more than $1 billion in economic activity in the five host cities. Fiesta Bowl organizers say that the two post-season games slated for the Arizona Cardinals’ new stadium will pump an estimated $315 million into Arizona’s economy.

The BCS estimates that college athletic conferences have earned $820 million in the last five years from bowl play, and will share another $2.1 billion during the coming decade.

Advertisers also have boosted the amount spent on bowl naming rights in the last two years by nearly 26% to $49 million, according to Chicago’s IEG Sponsorship Report.

The Flutie Effect also drives sales of T-shirts, caps and other logo-laden merchandise at campus bookstores. Halfway through December, the bookstore at Boise State, which plays Oklahoma on Jan. 1 in the BCS Fiesta Bowl, recorded its best month ever, with more than $400,000 in sales, surpassing the previous record by nearly $50,000.

But the lines can quickly fade: Utah bookstore sales jumped 80% after the Utes beat Pittsburgh in the 2005 Fiesta Bowl, but sales fell back in line the next year.


Coaches also can feel the Flutie Effect. Rutgers, for example, promised its football Coach Greg Schiano a $100,000 bonus for winning the Big East and an additional $100,000 bonus for winning the Big East’s automatic BCS bowl bid. The payday didn’t materialize because the Scarlet Knights lost the conference title and the BCS bid during a 41-39 defeat in triple overtime to West Virginia.

When economists give serious study to the Flutie Effect, they tend to focus on two measurable categories -- applications from high school seniors and gifts from rich donors.

The surge in applications has been well-documented over the years, but “it’s not just a matter of quantity but of quality,” Holy Cross’ Matheson said. “Do you get the kind of applicants you’re looking for, and how many of those applicants are going to sign on the dotted line?”

Measuring the effect of extra donations after a bowl appearance is harder to decipher.

Utah Athletic Director Chris Hill credits the Flutie Effect for encouraging donations that helped to pay for the school’s recently opened $6-million indoor football practice facility.

“It might have happened a bit quicker than maybe it would otherwise,” Hill said. “But I think the impetus for donations already was there.”

Boise State, though, hopes that its Fiesta Bowl appearance will lead to a new generation of donors, fans who graduated from someplace else but now live in Boise and follow the Broncos.


“The excitement generated by the Fiesta Bowl announcement has them calling my office every day for tickets,” Boise State President Robert Kustra said.

“That leads me to believe that the potential for giving is going to be higher.”

Boise State is known outside of its region for its blue football field, the only one of its kind in the NCAA. Boise State has unveiled a “Beyond the Blue” marketing program that hopes to leverage the “Smurf Turf” and attract new students, faculty and donors.

The Flutie Effect’s allure is so strong that it also affects smaller campuses with teams that play in Division II but dream of sharing the supposed wealth associated with big-time athletics.

Last year, however, the NCAA released an economic study that found no evidence showing that increased athletics spending -- or a costly shift to Division I play -- generates additional profit.

Murray Sperber, an Indiana professor and the author of “Beer and Circus: How Big-Time College Athletics Is Crippling Undergraduate Education,” doubts that smaller schools will glean long-lasting benefits from a bowl victory.

“It takes both beer and circus for the Flutie Factor to have maximum power,” Sperber said in an e-mail. “Boise State and Utah have the circus part (athletics) OK, but are sadly lacking in beer ... [meaning] the party school atmosphere. I predict only a small increase in admissions applications.... Boise State and Utah are where? I don’t imagine that many California high school kids will be applying to those schools.”


And, as some big-time athletic programs have learned, the media spotlight also shines when things go awry. Miami continues to reel from publicity generated this fall by the shooting death of one football player and an ugly brawl during a game with Florida International.

“Who outside of Miami sees that university in a favorable way?” asked David Carter, director of the USC Sports Business Institute.

“The message to the Boise States of the world is to make sure you keep your academic prowess right there in the front window for all the world to see.”

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