
Railing about his take on our trains and buses

“Taking the rapid out of transit,” Current, Feb. 5

I recently spent three months in London, where the Tube was my main method of transportation. There is no way that could have happened in Los Angeles, where the rail system goes nowhere of importance -- Dodger Stadium, museums and LAX. According to Turner, pressure from commuters and lack of backbone from politicians are reasons why the Red Line does not go all the way down Wilshire Boulevard -- just one example of why the city lags behind others in public transportation boardings.

But the blame shouldn’t be on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Rather, driving -- not taking public transportation -- ingrained in the mentality of Angelenos who can afford a car is the culprit. In London, Washington and New York, public transportation is the great social equalizer. This is not so in Los Angeles. Compare the MTA map of rail lines to London, Paris, New York, Washington, Boston and Atlanta. There’s no comparison.


Los Angeles


With a bit of advance research, Turner could have avoided much of the aggravation he included in his attack on Metro’s transit service. If he had checked the MTA’s website, he would have known about the $3 day pass, which replaced transfers more than two years ago, and he also could have consulted the online timetable.


Had he checked The Times’ archives, he also would have known that the reason the Green Line does not directly serve LAX was the result of the Los Angeles Airport Commission refusing to allow the Green Line to cross underneath the runway approach to the east of the airport. He also failed to note that a Green Line extension to LAX from Aviation Station is under review as part of the revision to the airport master plan. Perhaps if public transit were not always approached with a failure mentality by the media, the public would see the real picture.


Public Affairs Director

Southern California Transit

Advocates, Van Nuys
