
As usual, everyone is a critic

IN her otherwise informative article about “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” and related Internet chatter [“Pre-Buzz Buzz,” July 19], Maria Elena Fernandez ignores the elephant in the Internet chat rooms and blogs. Not only does everybody want to be a critic, as she notes, but many of those Everybodys aren’t writing to critique the creativity of the artists being “reviewed” but to impose their own political views on the argument.

This is evident beyond the onslaught of commentary on noted liberal Aaron Sorkin’s work. You see it in book reviews on Amazon, on discussion threads throughout the Internet and everywhere else an electron is known to tread. It is yet another product of the Shouting Down of America.

Sorkin (and co-producer Thomas Schlamme) would be well advised to ignore the plaints from the great unwashed. Their unique talents are why they’re getting the big bucks and the rest of us are reduced to writing about them, usually for free.



