
When Europe calls, there are 10 reasons to answer

Times Staff Writer

ALARMED by skyrocketing gas prices and the prospect of an ever-weakening American economy, my husband casually announced one morning that maybe we should “rethink” the two trips we plan to take to Europe this year: three weeks in Amsterdam and Germany in July and two weeks in Paris at Christmas.

“We’re not rich, you know,” he said from behind the safety of the shower door.

Choking on toothpaste and the irritation of being told the obvious, I reminded him that both sets of tickets had already been purchased, that three of the Paris fares were courtesy of frequent-flier miles, that we had already put deposits down on the very reasonable Amsterdam apartment and the unbelievably inexpensive Bavarian farmhouse and that the Paris trip was not only our Christmas present to each other but also a celebration of a significant birthday for him.

Then I left the room to collect myself and more ammunition. Although I certainly cannot argue with the “we’re not rich, you know” line, I do have good reasons for spending our money on travel, even when it comes at the expense, as it does, of other things such as nifty electronics, or jewelry or tickets to Disney Hall.


So for those of you out there looking for such a thing, here are 10 Really Good Justifications for taking the family abroad for vacation. Even when you’re not rich.

* Have you seen the price of summer camp these days? Three weeks for two kids can cost $1,000, which equals airfare at high season or at least a week’s worth of apartment or house rental, or two weeks’ worth of car rental or most of your food allowance. And add to that the weekend trips you’ll invariably take if you stay home. San Diego is great, but between the zoo, the Wild Animal Park and Legoland, it’s cheaper to go abroad, and that’s not even mentioning That Park in Anaheim. Basically, you can’t afford not to go.

* If gas prices are a consideration, remember: European cities are best explored without a car. And you can go from city to city by train. How fun is that?

* Food costs are similar everywhere, and with little kids we don’t eat out a lot (in Paris, we will probably make an exception) so that’s a wash.


* People occasionally say to me, “Why don’t you just go to a beach somewhere or go camping? It would be so much more relaxing than schlepping around a foreign country.” I don’t know what these people are talking about.

Sure, going to the beach or camping by myself or with only my spouse would be very relaxing. With my kids along, it’s just an outdoor variation of the endless, “Mommy, can you: Get me some water / Play tickle fight with us / Make her stop looking at me funny....” All with requisite applications of sunscreen and bug repellent.

* Club Med is a possibility, but that’s more expensive than Europe and not as much fun. Me, I’m happier making sandwiches and settling car fights when I know there’s a medieval city on the horizon.


* Medieval cities. There are none in the United States and kids love them. Love them. Not to mention castles, fortresses and ruins, which make great backdrops for sword fights. My kids have walked miles along narrow, winding, cobblestoned streets without complaining because they felt as if they were in a fairy tale. Me too.

* Nothing says “get away” like a huge time difference. And international country codes. And cellphones that don’t work overseas. Yes, yes, you take the laptop, saying you’ll plug in at some cyber cafe in Venice or Dublin, but do you? No. And what can anyone do about it? Nothing.

* There are many adventurous places to visit in the U.S., but there is something especially bonding about moving through a new culture, often with a new language, and trying to figure it out together.

Going to a new country levels the playing field: the food, the marketplaces, the money are new to you, and you’ll be amazed at how much quicker the kids’ learning curve is than yours. Which is a great experience for everyone.

* Traveling with kids will not only broaden their knowledge of the world, but it also will broaden yours.

Children are naturals at softening locals, and their needs will guarantee that you go places you would not normally -- toy stores and playgrounds, sweet shops and the top of every available tower and wall -- places that will give you a vision you would otherwise miss.


* OK, I admit I take a possibly unhealthy personal satisfaction from the fact that my children have passports and they’ve been used. So sue me.

And did I mention the price of summer camp?
