
Silence is golden (even in backyard)

RE “Coming Soon to a Backyard Near You” [Sept. 28], the story on backyard screenings: I certainly hope not! Aside from the fact that it would legally create a “disturbance,” it would be enormously inconsiderate to make that much noise outside in the evening for such an extended period of time.

Imagine how you would feel if your neighbor decided to show movies next door. People have the right to enjoy their homes as a refuge from noise pollution. The only way to do something like backyard cinema showings is to get the consent of neighbors on all sides and within hearing distance -- highly unlikely.


Los Angeles


I can only hope that I never have neighbors who are inconsiderate enough to show movies in their driveway or backyard. And gosh, a “hip outdoor slumber party” ambience too. How divine. Apparently, it doesn’t matter to these self-indulgent hosts that neighbors might be bothered by the noise from a movie shown outdoors. And The Times wasted a whole page on this nonsense?



Simi Valley
