
Fairplex Betting Gets Pick-Six Lift

With a pick six carry-over pool of almost $1 million going into today’s card at Fairplex Park, officials are anticipating heavy wagering on the races at the Los Angeles County Fair as the meet enters its final six days.

The three-day carry-over pool will be $988,445.

“It’s by far and away the largest we’ve ever had,” said George Bradvica, racing manager at Fairplex.

The two-day carry-over was $332,520 before Monday’s races, and with many other tracks dark, the exotic wager attracted so much money that the total pool was a Fairplex record $1,534,156.


Fairplex was closed for racing Tuesday but will hold the interest of bettors across the country today.

“We’re expecting the pick six pool, it could be $3 1/2 million,” Bradvica said. “This is a number that far exceeds anything we’ve done.”

-- Robyn Norwood
