
Side arm balance builds the upper body, core

Your core, also called the powerhouse, is your body’s center of gravity. It’s composed of the muscles of the lower abdomen, lower back, buttocks and pelvic floor. Targeted moves, such as this side arm balance, will help you develop upper-body and deep-core strength. This move also will help you build a stable center and increase your awareness of alignment.

-- Karen Voight

1 Begin by sitting on the outside of your right hip and leg. Place your left foot flat on the floor in front of you. Place your right hand down in line with your right hip, directly below your shoulder and reach your left arm above your shoulder. On an inhale, press firmly into your left foot and right hand then raise your hips off the floor. Straighten your right leg under you, resting on the outer edge of your right foot. Pause a moment to find your balance.

2 Engage your core as your straighten your left leg, stacking it over your right. Slide your shoulder blades down your back away from your ears. Be sure you don’t “lock out” the elbow of the supporting arm. Hold this arm balance for three to six breaths. Lower and repeat on the other side.



Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
