
Tackling the Super Bowl

Re “Armageddon with a halftime show,” Current, Feb. 4

Joe Queenan bases his Super Bowl picks on good and evil. I base my picks for all sports according to the most equitable distribution of wealth. It has worked out well lately. The Super Bowl pitted the Chicago Bears, who made their only other appearance except for Sunday in 1986, against the Colts, who last qualified before Watergate. In baseball, the last three World Series champions have been the Boston Red Sox, who had last won it in 1918, the Chicago White Sox, who had last appeared in 1959, and the St. Louis Cardinals, who had last won in 1982.

Too bad the whole U.S. economy didn’t bear a little resemblance to this.




Spare us the football nonsense. The entertainment industry and the political industry are closely related, but we should only be reading about the latter in the Current section of The Times.


Garden Grove
