
Mixed reviews for Tancredo

Re “Tancredo rides high on immigration,” July 5

The article describes a rocky road on Colorado Republican Rep. Tom Tancredo’s presidential quest. The media have attempted to portray him as having only one platform: that of illegal immigration. Certainly that is of great importance to him, but as a five-term congressman, he is well-versed on other political issues. Personally, I hope that he becomes president, even if his wife chooses his wardrobe, because he represents the best chance of uniting the American people. His honest, simplistic style has a chance to return America to the great nation we once were.


Rochester Hills, Mich.


I heard Tancredo speak at a public forum in Denison, Iowa, a month ago. He included an anecdote that reveals just how two-faced he is. He said his grandfather came to this country as a young boy in the 19th century and passed through Ellis Island, an act he believes makes his grandfather’s immigration legal.

Tancredo said his grandfather came here from Italy and was not sponsored, but a woman whom his grandfather did not know saw him there and pinned her name on his lapel, indicating that she was his sponsor. That act was enough for the boy to gain admittance to this country. After he left Ellis Island, Tancredo said, his grandfather never again saw the woman. The boy eventually made his way halfway across America.


Under Tancredo’s proposed laws for handling immigrants, had they existed in the 19th century, Tancredo’s grandfather would have been turned back at Ellis Island and returned to Italy, and today the congressman would be living in Italy, not Colorado.

There are reasonable and sensible ways to handle our country’s immigration problems. Tancredo’s ways aren’t among them.


