
Feelings about race run both ways

Re “A marathon tour of Los Angeles,” March 5

Thank you to everyone who came out Sunday and lifted a cup of water, Gatorade or cerveza, everyone who lifted an orange wedge, a banana, an ice cube or a stick of Vaseline, everyone who lifted a homemade sign of support, a hand to be slapped or a voice in encouragement. In short, thanks for the lift, L.A.


Woodland Hills


I came in from Pittsburgh, Pa., to run the race and visit our son, a freshman at UCLA. As the runners lined up before the race, I noticed many young people wearing teal T-shirts emblazoned with SRLA [Students Run LA]. There were students of all ages, some who looked as young as 10. As they ran and cheered each other along all 26.2 miles, I was impressed and inspired. For me, the views along the course, although diverse and interesting, took second seat to the view within the course. Hats off to SRLA! And thanks to Los Angeles for hosting this event.


Pittsburgh, Pa.


Sunday, I witnessed one of the worst debacles perpetrated by the city of L.A.: the horrendous mess of traffic created by the marathon. Why does the city foul up the streets, affecting the majority of the people, to hold an event that should be placed away from the city, where it would not create such a major disruption?



