
Little sympathy for the mayor

Re “Lighten up on the mayor,” Opinion, May 6

Rob Gurwitt’s piece regarding the mayor could have been a wonderful satire -- if he hadn’t made it so clear that he was actually serious that we’re being too hard on L.A.’s main man.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has made it abundantly clear that he cares only about Villaraigosa, the future political aspirations of Villaraigosa, the marketing of Villaraigosa and the using of Villaraigosa’s current political position solely as a springboard to some higher elected office for Villaraigosa. Sorry if I seem angry, but I was one of the ones who got duped into voting for Villaraigosa.




I had to laugh when I read the headline “Lighten up on the mayor,” especially in light of the events of last week.


Feel sorry for the mayor? I feel sorry for the citizens who bought into the hype and were denied real leadership and are now paying the price. A more accurate assessment of the mayor’s performance so far would be “So much promised, so little delivered.”


Los Angeles
