

associated press

Chicago Bulls Coach Vinny Del Negro didn’t hesitate. Halfway through point guard Derrick Rose’s first season, Del Negro has no doubt he deserves Rookie of the Year honors right now.

Rose, the No. 1 pick in the draft after one year at Memphis, ranked second among rookies in scoring at 16.8 points through Thursday’s games. The Grizzlies’ O.J. Mayo, the No. 3 pick, was first with 19.1.

Rose was first in assists with 6.3. He was playing more than 37 minutes per game and averaging a 2.51 assist-to-turnover ratio.


Miami’s Michael Beasley, the second pick, was fourth among rookies in scoring at 13.6 points per game.

“There’s not even a conversation, as far as I’m concerned,” Del Negro said. “I think Mayo’s having a great year, and I think Beasley is an incredibly talented player . . . but no one’s played at the level Derrick’s played at.”
