
‘Selfish pigginess’

Re “Hard advice on budget mess,” Column, June 11

Regarding the advice given to the California Democratic caucus by Bill Lockyer, the state treasurer, former attorney general and longtime legislator:

Those whose chief concern is keeping the source of their income will acquiesce to almost any evil that does not touch them directly.

Of course that applies to our legislators, but also to many of our fellow citizens of California. There is a “selfish pigginess” -- a phrase learned from an old friend -- here that will never be challenged by anything but personal pain. Witness the willingness of the majority to fund children’s programs through the slow suicide of smokers and the needs of the mentally ill through the tiny percentage of those deemed “wealthy.”


Take it all away from everyone and we’ll find out what level of pain is necessary to motivate California taxpayers to pay for what we want for everyone in our state.

Karen Robinson-Stark

