

Citing safety concerns for students, the board of the Los Angeles Unified School District unanimously decided Tuesday to oppose the design of the Expo Light Rail Line, which would pass at street level near Overland Avenue and Charnock Road elementary schools.

Board members said they would not support the Expo Line unless the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority could eliminate all the safety hazards of operating light-rail trains near schools. They also directed the district’s superintendent to exhaust all legal options while trying to resolve the Expo Line’s safety issues.

The board resolution related to the second phase of the project, which would run from Culver City to Santa Monica. Phase 1 from downtown Los Angeles to Culver City has already generated considerable controversy about street-level crossings near schools. That segment is under construction.


The resolution noted that MTA’s Blue Line from Long Beach to Los Angeles, which has street-level crossings, has become the nation’s deadliest light-rail line. It also stated that the Expo Line should not be built near the two schools because it could violate the district’s 128-foot distance requirement for active rail lines.

-- Dan Weikel
