
Timing is everything at

A helpful travel community is forming at It tells you the best times (and the not-so-great ones) for travel tailored to your specific interests.

What’s hot: The “Best Destinations” map on the Home page is unique. You have a flat globe in front of you and all you have to do is fill in the blanks. The heading reads: “Best Destinations for [select travel interests from a drop-down menu] and [select travel activities from a drop-down menu] in [select month],” and the map will light up with recommended destinations based on your selections. The map lights up green if it’s a great time to travel there, yellow if it’s OK and gray if it’s not ideal. Scroll over the results with your cursor and a pop-up box will show top cities; an expanded bar graph explains the breakdown of your choices. If you are in the “Destinations” area of the website, there is a similar map for “Best Places to Travel in [select month.]” Also, there are thousands of travel tips archived on this young website. Tab over to the “Tips” section and scroll through the most recent, or use the search bar to narrow tips based on a destination. Be patient when scrolling through travel tips. Some are casual, general remarks; others are more specific and will point out hot spots.

What’s not: There are so many areas on this website to contribute your own travel tips and wisdom, don’t be surprised if you feel a little guilty just being a voyeur. I filled out how many countries (and some of the cities I’d been to) in the “My World” section and the site said I had the knowledge but hadn’t shared it. Ouch.


-- Jen Leo
