

The photo of Siena, Italy, on the front page of the Travel section [“Tuscany in Repose,” March 15] brought back warm memories of our family trip in October 2000. In fact, we were so enchanted with Siena that we vetoed moving on to San Gimignano. One of the reasons for this had to be the very same Palazzo Ravizza. I felt lucky to have discovered it back then, and happy to know Susan Spano found it to her liking. No matter the weather, traveling in the off-season allows cities and towns to reveal themselves in ways just not possible when overrun with tourists.

Carolyn Clark

Newport Beach


Thank you, Susan Spano, for your poetic piece on Tuscany’s winter warmth.

I joined you and your sister as you uncovered the awe-inspiring soul and charm of Siena and the Tuscan countryside in cold, wet winter. Reading your piece, the adventurer that took me to Tuscany a decade ago was reawakened in a single moment, reminding me that travel is not a luxury, but a necessary part of my exploration of life.

Cynthia Michel

Playa del Rey


Even though I’ve never been to Italy, it is at the top of my “dream trip” list. But like most readers, even articles about favored subjects must grab me in the first couple of paragraphs, or I am on to other endeavors. I stayed with Susan Spano’s to the end and was glad to do so. When I read the phrase “two sisters with the temerity to go tooting around Tuscany,” I knew I was in the article for the long haul.


When I discover good writing, I like to tell the writer. So to Spano I say, “Job well done!”

Buz McGuire

Macon, Miss.
