
The tale of the tape

Re “GOP legislator quits over taped sex comments,” Sept. 10

Regarding the resignation of Assemblyman Michael Duvall, Assembly Republican leader Sam Blakeslee is quoted as saying: “I am terribly disappointed by the situation surrounding Assemblyman Duvall’s comments. The statements he made were inappropriate and unacceptable.”

With all due respect, Assemblyman Blakeslee, the problem is not with ex-Assemblyman Duvall’s comments -- the problem is with his actions.

The man’s behavior was ethically atrocious: unethical with respect to the legislative process, unethical with respect to the taxpayers and, of course, unethical with respect to his wife and family.


Assemblyman Blakeslee, what is needed is not condemnation of his comments but rather unequivocal condemnation of his conduct.

Jonathan Ball


Duvall’s resignation came quickly, all right, once he was exposed. Where were his colleagues all this time? Did anyone take him behind the woodshed and tell him to clean up his act?

And where are the speedy resignations from the lobbyists? And disclosure of the companies for whom they work and the clients those firms represent?


Is this an isolated case of too much familiarization between lobbyists and legislators? Or is this an isolated case of one legislator who stokes his ego by bragging about his dreams?

Eleanor Brooks



So Duvall resigns because he is “saddened” by his “inappropriate comments” -- as opposed to the acts about which he was commenting.

If I were making the rules, Duvall would be fired for stupidity and face charges of accepting bribes. Also, the woman allegedly involved would be charged with bribing a public official and more.


Unfortunately, I don’t make the rules. These guys make their own rules. What a way to run a government.

Errol Miller

