
Sports injuries in young athletes -- and how to prevent some of them -- will be featured in this Web chat Tuesday

Young athletes account for about 4 million injuries a year in the U.S. Of course, playing sports comes with an inherent risk of being hurt. But there are some types of injuries this expert says may be preventable.

Brian Grasso, founder and chief executive of the International Youth Conditioning Assn., speaks with Chicago Tribune fitness writer Julie Deardorff during a live Web chat Tuesday at 10 a.m. PST. Join the online discussion to learn about everything from ACL tears to concussions.

What sports are most dangerous? This Los Angeles Times story lists which sports are more likely to cause severe injuries (football leads the pack).


No matter what sport your child plays, join the chat and find out the risks – and what you may not know to prevent them.

And read more from Deardorff on her blog, Julie’s Health Club.
