
Backsliding on your resolutions already? Here’s a refresher course

We hate to nag, really. But maybe that wadded-up bag of Cheetos is a sign that your get-healthy resolve is wearing thin -- and just two weeks into 2011.

These 11 tips from family doctor Amy Balka in the Health Notes blog of the Newport News Daily Press emphasize exercise, weight loss and more. Here are a few that bear repeating:

“Cook at home. Not only is it healthier a lot of times to eat at home, sitting down for a meal together is also really important for the family as a whole. It promotes family bonding and mental health, she said.


“Do something about stress, anxiety and depression. Maybe that means taking a prescription or finding someone to talk to -- a counselor, a pastor. A lot of health insurance plans cover the cost of a counselor.” Here’s the entire list.

And then see how Tony and Jimmy are progressing with their health quest in Booster Shots’ “Two guys lose weight” series.
