Complete book coverage for Sept. 20, 2009
Inside: The Writer’s Life: A talk with Hope Edelman about her memoir The Possibiity of Everything, Blood’s A Rover: A Novel by James Ellroy, Nocturnes: Stories by Kazuo Ishiguro, The Age of Empathy by Frans de Waal, The Book of Jokes by Momus, Lights on a Ground of Darkness: Poems by Ted Kooser, Discoveries: Shop Class as Soulcraft by Matthew Crawford and The Collector by Jack Nisbet, The Siren’s Call: The Third Man Factor by John Geiger and The Angelic Way by Rami Shapiro
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Her new memoir, ‘The Possibility of Everything,’ chronicles a tumultuous period in the life of an earth mother.
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It’s the underworld of the 1960s and 1970s. Murder. Blood. Sex. Power. Style. Lingo. Terse sentences. Vintage Ellroy.
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The author continues his fascination with characters seemingly destined to hold their own lives at arm’s length. But the insights they might have gleaned aren’t lost on the reader.
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They could be divine or neural -- John Geiger’s ‘The Third Man Factor’ and Rami Shapiro’s ‘The Angelic Way’ consider the possibilities.
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A poet in search of the proper form for his self-expression.
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A look back, from middle age, on a man’s life in a sequence of poems.
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A playful, bawdy, ingenious experiment in storytelling via the old-fashioned joke.
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Dutch psychologist and primatologist Frans de Waal, using primate tendencies as a model, contends that humans are hard-wired for compassion.
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‘The Collector’; ‘Shop Class as Soulcraft’
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Fiction Weeks on list1.A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore (Knopf : $25.95) A naive Midwestern college coed takes a job as a nanny for a recently adopted toddler.1 2.Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (Scholastic Press: $17.99) The winners of the annual Hunger Games face the consequences of their victory.1 3.The Help by Kathryn Stockett (Putnam: $24.95) The lives of a maid, a cook and a college graduate become intertwined while changing a Mississippi town. 15 4.Homer & Langley by E.L.
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Fiction 1. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson ($14.95) 2.