
Amazing: ‘Indian Spider-Man’ shows Ashton Kutcher how it’s done

Remember when Ashton Kutcher fell square on his brown face a while back, trying to be funny through the use of South Asian stereotypes?

(Yeah, we tried to block it out too. As did PopChips. Alas, it was to no avail.)

So as a city, even a nation, screamed out for a cleansing of its mental palate — and with “The Amazing Spider-Man” premiering last week — the one hero who might save us all from bad ethnic humor was revealed: He is, of course, “Indian Spider-Man.”


Hasan Minhaj, a.k.a. Indian Spidey, is the same comic-actor who read Kutcher the riot act back in May, joining a chorus of folks who cried racism and pointed the deadly that’s-not-funny finger in reaction to @aplusk’s almost tragic video-dating monologues.

In the Ministry’s opinion, with a cast that includes Iqbal Theba of “Glee” fame, Hasan’s “Indian Spider-Man” is elegant where Ashton’s pseudo-suave Raj was tone-deaf.

More importantly, Minhaj is funny where Kutcher was, well, not really funny at all.

Goatface Comedy — made up of Minhaj, Asif Ali, Fahim Anwar and director Aristotle Athiras — hit all the hyphenates (acting-writing-editing) in putting together “Indian Spider-Man.”


Our fave line? “At least he’s a doctor.” Share your thoughts below.


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