
Critic’s Pick: Cinefamily’s ‘It Came From the Vaults’ on Halloween

Moviegoers with a taste for the macabre have a lot of options Halloween night, including the tempting notion of seeing 1954’s “Creature From the Black Lagoon” in 3-D at the American Cinematheque’s Aero Theatre in Santa Monica. But the best bet looks like “It Came From the Vaults,” a collaboration between Cinefamily and the Academy Film Archive, which is the repository for the world’s largest 35-mm trailer collection. Trailers sampled will be from the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s, and though no titles have been announced, the promise to show footage “so shocking it slashes through the limits of suspense” sounds genuine. 7:30 p.m. Oct. 31. Cinefamily, 611 N. Fairfax, Los Angeles. or (323) 655-2510.

— Kenneth Turan
