
Burger King selling a Proud Whopper for gay pride

Burger King surprised many customers when it recently began offering something called a Proud Whopper at a location in San Francisco. The fast-food chain chronicled the experience in a video above.

“What? So it’s like a gay burger?” asked one man in the video.

“Do gay people even eat fast food?” said another.

“The meat tastes ... sweeter,” said one woman after trying the burger.

The Proud Whopper is actually a traditional Whopper packaged in a rainbow-colored paper wrapper that reads, “We are all the same inside.”

The burger is available through Thursday at the Burger King at 1200 Market St. in San Francisco, which is on the route for last weekend’s pride parade.


“It showcases who we are as a brand,” Fernando Machado, senior vice president of global brand management at Burger King, told USA Today. “It shows how we, as a brand, believe in self-expression.”

The burger accompanies an altered version of the brand’s slogan, “Be your way” instead of “Have it your way.”

After eating the burger, some were brought to tears.

“It makes me feel supported and it makes me feel proud,” said one woman in the Burger King video. “It’s just a burger, but baby steps all the way.”


The Proud Whopper is $4.29, the same price as a traditionally wrapped Whopper. All sales of the burger are being donated to the Burger King McLaore Foundation for scholarships benefiting graduating LGBT high school seniors.

There are no plans to expand the promotion at this time.

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