Food gifts that keep on giving
Subscription to Canal House Cooking
Having trouble finding a food magazine that fits just the way you want to cook? Christopher Hirsheimer and Melissa Hamilton produce three cookbooks a year, full of thoughtfully chosen, absolutely delicious-sounding dishes. And there’s no better food photographer than Hirsheimer anywhere.
$49.95, (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Storefront bacon
Now there’s a local bacon good enough to sit belly-by-jowl with the nation’s best; it’s from Storefront Neighborhood Market, the deli owned by the meat-obsessives at sister restaurant Salt’s Cure. Who wouldn’t want a slab under the tree?
$11.45 per pound, 4624 Hollywood Blvd., Los Feliz, (323) 665-5670 (Glenn Koenig / Los Angeles Times)