
10 common gravy mistakes

The Daily Meal

Turkey gravy - it’s a must-have! However, making it can be one of the trickiest parts of any large feast. Why? It’s the last part of the meal you prepare. By the time the turkey is out of the oven, people have started to congregate in the kitchen.

Click here to see the 10 Common Gravy Mistakes Gallery.

If your family is like mine, congregating also means kibitzing. It’s possible that some alcohol has been consumed, and everyone is hungry and has been anticipating the big event.

To add to the pressure, gravy has more than one role to fulfill. Not only must it taste good, but it may be used to disguise some less-successful parts of the meal. And while roasting is pretty easy - heat the oven, take a big piece of protein, season it, put it in a pan, and wait until it’s done - gravy definitely requires some cooking chops.


Under so much pressure, it’s easy to make a fatal error or two - but never fear, we’ve highlighted the 10 most common gravy mistakes so that you can avoid them.

Anne Maxfield, founder and author of Accidental Locavore, contributed to this story.
