
Every stuffing recipe you’ll ever need

The Daily Meal

The holidays can be a stressful time. From the parties to the presents to the food, it’s a lot of work - and we want to make as seamless as possible for you to cook for your hungry guests in the most creative way possible. Thanksgiving is the first stop on the holiday train, and what’s a Thanksgiving without some type of stuffing on the table? Stuffing is a bit like apple pie in that everybody seems to have “the” recipe from “grandmother” that is uniquely classic and strictly classified.

For the Every Stuffing Recipe You’ll Ever Need Slideshow, click here.

Remember, whether you like your stuffing a little bit drier or more moist, you can always add or reduce the amount of stock for an easy fix. There are countless methods to improving your cooking like knowing how to shop for meat!
With Thanksgiving around the corner, we figured it was high time to give you a round-up of some of our old stuffing favorites...

Anne Dolce helped contribute to this round-up.
