
That’s rich

On the street corners of Toontown, Mr. Cup-and-Sign Beggar is a fixture. He’s practically family, along with Dr. The-End-Is-Near and cousin Will-Work-for-Food. You have to love a cleverly updated cliche, like Mike Keefe’s depiction of the fortunes of bailed-out financiers, and Matt Bors’ and Ted Rall’s sarcastic renditions of the unfortunate and disenfranchised.

So if someday you happen on a stubbly Keefe, Bors or Rall on the pavement, peddling pencils, art gum erasers or high-quality, four-ply bristol board, at least pay them a compliment.

-- Joel Pett

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist of the Lexington Herald-Leader. His work also appears in USA Today.
