
For the record - July 12, 2011

West Side Story”:

A review in the July 11 Calendar section of the screening and performance of “West Side Story” said that Leonard Bernstein’s 1955 appearance at the Hollywood Bowl led to his conceiving the concept of “West Side Story” with Arthur Laurents. Jerome Robbins created the idea of a modern telling of “Romeo and Juliet.” Bernstein and Laurents conceived the idea of using white and Puerto Rican gangs to tell the story.


The Longchamp boutique that opened at South Coast Plaza on July 11 is the first in Southern California, not the first on the West Coast as reported in the July 10 Image section’s Shopping column. Longchamp also has a boutique in San Francisco.

Mexican actors:

An article in the July 10 Calendar section about Mexican actors working in Hollywood translated the film title “No Eres Tú, Soy Yo” as “I’m Not You, I’m Me.” The correct translation is “It’s Not You, It’s Me.”


Tom Wolfe:

A July 10 article in the Arts & Books section about an exhibition of author Tom Wolfe’s illustrations referred to one of his books as “The Painted Bird.” The correct title is “The Painted Word.”
