Notable campaign casualties
Billy Shaheen
Clinton has also lost an aide because of a gaffe in this election cycle. In December, Billy Shaheen, co-chair of her New Hampshire campaign, was forced to resign. His error: he suggested that Obama, who in his memoirs acknowledged trying drugs in his youth, might also have sold them. (Charles Krupa / Associated Press)
Sandy Berger
In 2004, when Sen. John Kerry was running against President George W. Bush, a key member of his foreign policy team former Clinton national security advisor Samuel Sandy Berger resigned pending a criminal investigation into whether Berger unlawfully took classified documents from the National Archives. (Charles Krupa / Associated Press)
Benjamin Ginsberg
Also in 2004, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, an advocacy group, aired TV ads attacking Kerrys record in Vietnam, where he won a Purple Heart. Bush campaign counsel Benjamin Ginsberg resigned after acknowledging that he had advised the group.
In a resignation letter that many of those departing from high-profile campaign positions might applaud, Ginsberg said he had broken no laws, and he accused the media of a stunning double standard for not focusing on Kerry staffers who likewise advised outside groups. (Toyokazu Kosugi / Associated Press)
Dick Morris
Sex has sometimes plays a role in high-profile campaigns, famously during Bill Clinton’s reelection campaign of 1996, when top advisor Dick Morris resigned from the campaign after a tabloid newspaper reported an ongoing relationship with a prostitute. (Wally Santana / Associated Press)