
Kerry, Pickens letter exchange

The group “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” challenged Sen. John Kerry’s Vietnam War record during the 2004 presidential campaign. Almost all of those who served closest to Kerry defended his heroism and the multiple medals he received, but others who patrolled the Mekong Delta in the Navy patrol boats said he exaggerated his record. Earlier this month, Texas oil man T. Boone Pickens said he would pay $1 million to anyone who could disprove any of the claims made by the Kerry critics. In an exchange of letters Friday, Kerry took up the challenge and Pickens responded in kind. -- Jim Rainey


From Sen. John Kerry to T.Boone Pickens 8117 Preston RdDallas TX 75225

Mr. Pickens,

It has come to my attention through the accounts of individuals who were in attendance at the American Spectator’s Robert L. Bartley Dinner & 40th Anniversary Gala as well as through the public accounts, that you personally “staked one million dollars” that “no one” could “prove anything the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth said in 2004 was false” (RedState.Com) and offered “a million dollars to anyone who could prove wrong anything the Swiftboat Veterans charged about Kerry.” (

I welcome the opportunity to prove that you are a man of your word and that the so-called “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” lied. While I am prepared to show they lied on allegation after allegation, you have generously offered to pay one million dollars for just one thing that can be proven false. I am prepared to prove the lie beyond any reasonable doubt.


I would request that your check be made payable to the Paralyzed Veterans of America which is doing incredible work every day to meet the needs of veterans returned home from Iraq and Afghanistan. My hope is that by sending this money to such a dedicated organization - founded for veterans, by veterans - some good can come out of the ugly smears and lies of the orchestrated campaign you bankrolled in 2004 in an attempt to discredit my military record and the record of the men who served alongside me on the Swift Boats of the Mekong Delta.

I would be more than happy to travel to Dallas to meet with you in a mutually agreed upon public forum, or would invite you to join me in Massachusetts for a public dialogue and then together we could visit the Paralyzed Veterans of America in Norwood and see firsthand how we can put your money to good work for our veterans.

I look forward to setting up a visit at the earliest possible, mutually convenient time. I trust that you are a man of your word, having made a very public challenge at a major Washington dinner, and look forward to taking you up on this challenge.



John F. KerryUnited States Senator


From T. Boone Pickens to

U.S. Senator John Kerry304 Russell BuildingThird FloorWashington DC 20510

Dear Senator Kerry:

So glad to hear from you regarding the Swift Boat Veterans for Truthpolitical ad campaign, and an offer I made public at an American Spectatordinner in Washington, D.C. last week. I am intrigued by your letter, and amcertainly open to your challenge.

My concern at the Spectator Dinner was, and continues to be, that you andother political figures were and are maligning the Swift Boat Veterans, andI want to prevent this important part of American history from beingunfairly portrayed.

In order to disprove the accuracy of the Swift Boat ads, I will ultimatelyneed you to provide the following:


1) The journal you maintained during your service in Vietnam.2) Your military record, specifically your service records for theyears 1971-1978, and copies of all movies and tapes made during yourservice.

When you have done so, if you can then prove anything in the ads wasmaterially untrue, I will gladly award $1 million. As you know, I have beena long and proud supporter of the American military and veterans’ causes. Inow challenge you to make this commitment: If you cannot prove anything inthe Swift Boat ads to be untrue, that you will make a $1 million gift to thecharity I am choosing -- the Medal of Honor Foundation.


T. Boone Pickens
