
Letters: Abortion stirs emotions

Re “A war on abortion rights,” Editorial, July 18

A woman campaigning against abortion on a college campus — who compared the procedure to the killing of slaves — once told me that she hoped someone someday wouldn’t decide to kill me.

A patient, moments after an abortion, once told me that I was her angel. A parent once told me to help her daughter terminate her pregnancy, as she embraced the teary-eyed 13-year-old girl sitting beside her.


My grandmother once told me — as she said how proud she was that I was working in an abortion clinic — that she had contemplated having an abortion when she was pregnant with my father.

No one wants to have an abortion; no one is pro-abortion.

It’s not OK to force a woman to take her desperation across state lines — or worse, to take matters into her own hands.

Aisha Scherr-Williams

Los Angeles

The writer is a fourth-year student at USC’s Keck School of Medicine.

The Times ignores the tragic reality that abortion destroys a developing baby. If it is not really a baby that an abortion kills, then the woman is not pregnant because she can only be pregnant with a human baby. Pro-life people believe that a developing baby has as much right to life as any person.


Sex is for procreation. If a woman does not want to become pregnant, she should refrain from sexual activity.

Vincent Sheehy

Newport Beach


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