
Letters: Does Chinatown need a Wal-Mart?

Re “Don’t single out Wal-Mart,” Editorial, Aug. 14

The real issue behind the debate on the proposed Wal-Mart construction is not “organized labor’s antipathy toward the giant retailer.” The root of the issue is what Wal-Mart represents: homogenization of culture.

The uniqueness of Chinatown is something that I enjoy. Even in these economic times, opportunities and jobs should come second to preserving and celebrating our diverse history as Americans.


Tristan Navarro


I came to Los Angeles from another city where Wal-Mart established a grocery in the local Chinatown. It was very culturally sensitive and the only large grocery nearby.

If the mom-and-pop stores in Chinatown have survived other chain stores, they will survive Wal-Mart. It is Ralphs and Vons that need to worry.

One obstacle to unionizing Wal-Mart has been the rural, more conservative communities it serves. An urban Wal-Mart will be a good target for redoubled efforts to protect its workers.


Kim Stevens

San Pedro


Postscript: Religious boundaries

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