
Letters: Stuck over the sequester

Re “Neither side blinks in budget standoff,” Feb. 24, and “White House turns up the volume,” Feb. 26

From day one of President Obama’s first term, the Republicans put into effect a political strategy of cheerleading for the failure of his governing, regardless of the harm their self-serving politics caused the country and the silent majority of its citizens.

The evidence of this is overwhelming.

It started with the “just say no” obstructionism in the Senate, and it evolved into a mantra of “no compromise” preached by extremist House Republicans who endorsed the blackmailing of the White House into the budget cuts compromise.


If the sequester happens and thousands of jobs are lost, the economic recovery reverses and millions of Americans suffer, then the Republicans will have finally won — and the country will have lost, not the president.

Alan Segal
San Diego

Our government is set to spend $3.5 trillion this year and we are having a “budget crisis” over $85 billion in cuts?

This is yet another manufactured crisis by the president to scare the American people into acquiescing to more spending.


The American people are suffering from crisis fatigue, are tired of being “gamed” and deserve far better leadership.

If we can’t figure out how to cut out a small percentage of our bloated federal budget, we are done as a country.

Richard Kern
Rolling Hills Estates

With Republicans in Congress unwilling to meet the president halfway on a deficit reduction compromise, I can offer an approach that might move the GOP.


How about if the president were to direct a disproportionate fraction of spending cuts toward Republican congressional districts?

That way, the proponents of massive federal cutbacks could hear firsthand from their constituents about the wisdom of such cuts.

Bernard Roth
Santa Barbara

The president blames Republicans for the looming sequester. But the idea for the sequester originated from the White House.

Obama agreed and signed the deal; some Republicans supported it.

Now that it is a problem, Obama is up to his usual tricks and trying to avoid responsibility, as he does with all his bad policies and failures.

Alan J. Winters
Bellaire, Texas

The suggestion by congressional Republicans that school lunches should be cut is sadly predictable. Our government is being held hostage by a small group of thugs utterly disconnected from real consequences.

As American voices grow ever louder and evidence-based concern grows for such key issues as climate change, gun violence and social inequality, congressional Republicans simply double down on their stonewalling in deference to their corporate donors.


It’s high time for a revolution at the polls to return actual representation, ethics and sound judgment to our government.

Wendy Blais
North Hills

Our never-ending budget fiasco can be laid at the feet of both the Democratic and Republican parties as well as the newest petulant kids on the block, the tea party.

Finger-pointing and spewing rhetoric designed to blame the “other” party appears to be their sole purpose, and their actions, or inaction, jeopardize not only our economy but the global economy, as well as giving credence to the term “ugly American.”

They refuse to acknowledge that compromise is not a four-letter word to be avoided at all costs, and seem to think that the concepts of “beholden to” and “service” are one and the same.

It’s time these miscreants grow up and do their jobs.

Sherry Stava

Why are Republicans upset about the prospect of deep budget cuts?

That’s their entire plan for our economy, and it’s been their only plan for the last 30 years. They should be overjoyed.

And unless there’s a last-minute rescue, now’s our chance to see how well that idea works.


Can’t wait.

Barbara Carlton
El Cajon

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