
Letters: A father-in-chief?

Re “Mommy wars and pandering,” Column, Sept. 14

Thanks to Gale Holland for her critique of the Republican and Democratic “Competitive Motherlove and Father of the Year Shows” (also known as the conventions). As a mother and a writer about parenthood, I’m all in

favor of discussions about parenting and raising ethical, healthy children, but the copious pandering to American motherhood was too much, even for me.


I would also like to cast my vote against proclamations of spousal love at national party conventions. When did presidential elections become “Couple of the Year” competitions? Did Dwight Eisenhower blow Mamie a kiss from the podium? Perhaps we are still reeling from the political fallout arising from Bill Clinton’s infidelity, and we want assurance that we won’t be put through that again.

Laura Diamond



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