
Letters to the Editor: Climate change and extreme heat are causing deaths. What are we going to do about it?

A person in a cowboy hat walks beneath the brightly shining sun
A kayak and canoe outfitter walks along the Rio Grande under the hot sun in July.
(Eric Gay / Associated Press)

To the editor: Kudos to Robin Abcarian for pointing out that climate change is not a partisan issue. Millions of Americans suffering from extreme heat live in red and blue states alike. Now the question is, what are we going to do about it?

The swiftest, most efficient way to cut carbon emissions is to put a price on carbon. Think about the cigarette tax and how efficiently that cut down on smoking. Many scientists, economists and businesses support taxing carbon emissions. Returning the revenue to American families will both cushion us from the resulting modest energy price increases and enable political support from Democrats and Republicans alike.

Kathy Seal, Santa Monica


To the editor: Abcarian is using the heat to make her own political anti-GOP statement. As she states, heat is an invisible killer. But each year more people die due to extreme cold. And if Abcarian can accept that federal rules from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration do not need to be supplemented with local rules in parts of Texas, and that Gov. Greg Abbott is not seeking to murder outdoor workers in his state, then maybe we can make progress on the discussion.


Bob Filacchione, Greenville, S.C.
