
Letters: Punishing youth unfairly

Re “Justice for juveniles,” Editorial, April 15

Your eloquent article on the injustice of charging our incarcerated youth — such as 16-year-old accused Pennsylvania stabber Alex Hribal — as adults moved me to tears. Like many, I yearn to be proud of our country, but it seems we are losing the battle for justice and freedom for our marginalized youth.

These are suffering children, not adult criminals. Why must we seek revenge against those who are without the tools and developmental support to make appropriate choices? Often their only role models are drug-addicted friends, siblings and gang members.


Thanks to The Times for contributing clarity on the facts of how we are throwing juveniles away behind bars with adult criminals. We as a society are stealing the lives of our wayward youth.

Please continue your great reporting on this issue.

Angel Spinola

Los Angeles


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