
Letters: Safety on the streets

Re “Taking steps to stay safe,” Nov. 5

Kudos to Sandy Banks for admonishing pedestrians and cyclists to take responsibility for their own safety. The observations of L.A. traffic officer Kurt Smith and reader Wayne Pederson reflect my own experiences driving around Hollywood and Los Feliz.

I often find myself patiently waiting to make a left turn at a busy intersection while motorists coming from the opposite direction cruise through a yellow light slow enough to have made a safe stop, after which my turn is further delayed by a pedestrian who casually crosses the street in front of me against the red light that has now appeared. I have to remember that it is not safe to make my turn just because those errant motorists have finally cleared the intersection.

And don’t get me started about the cyclist who makes a U-turn in front of me as I approach an intersection.


Fred Dean

Los Angeles


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