
Opinion: Trumpery has officially taken hold of Britain with its ‘Brexit’ vote

To the editor: The British referendum vote to leave the European Union is a victory for the worst of England, inward-looking, narrow-minded, fearful, and mean. (Re “British prime minister says he will step down after historic vote,” June 24)

It’s Trumpery UK, with catastrophic consequences: borders, exit from European decision-making, retreat from the vision of connected and peaceable peoples, and encouragement to xenophobia across the continent. It is not independence but isolation, a bad day for the world.

David Cressy, Claremont


To the editor: First it was Donald Trump as the Republican Presidential candidate. Now it’s Brexit.

Democracy may be the best form of government, but it does have its risks.

Bill Weber, La Canada


To the editor: The history of the European Union goes back to the decade after the end of WWII, when European integration was seen as the cure to the extreme nationalism that had nearly destroyed the continent.


Perhaps such a coalition of countries was needed at that time. Perhaps its original usefulness no longer exists. Coalitions such as the EU (and the former Soviet Union) are tenuous at best and are challenging to maintain.

I see the EU eventually disintegrating back to its former self of individual countries.

I see that as the more natural state for Europe, going back to who and what they really are -- individuals. And individuals can still work cooperatively without actually being a coalition.

I wouldn’t worry about this. I wouldn’t even be concerned. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just the end of that world.


Arthur G. Saginian, Santa Clarita

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